Monday, September 20, 2010


A few days back I had posted about sending in our first recipe/post for the Foodaholics Recipe Contest. And guess what, we won!!!
That means Foodaholics awesome chocolate fudge for us and free publicity of our blog. :D
Great way to get a Monday started.

P.S. : Here are a couple of  links where our winning recipe was featured; Foodaholics blog and as a facebook note.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ala Pasta

Okay even I dunno why I have named the dish as 'ala', prolly some dish name I read which tasted similar to what I made for meself for breakfast ^_^

So quickly moving on to the ingredients :
1 onion, medium sized, coarsely chopped
1 capsicum, medium sized, coarsely chopped
8-10 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 tomato, medium sized, finely chopped
1/2 cup pasta (I used the regular macaroni)
4 teaspoons refined oil
2 teaspoons oregano powder
1 cup milk
1 tablespoon cheese (mine is the dear-ol' garlic flavored cheese spread)
Salt, to taste
Black pepper powder, to taste
Water, enough to boil the pasta

Boil the water in a pan. Add the pasta and let it cook for about 10 min. Once done quickly drain the water and add some ice cold water. Do this a couple of times and you will have properly cooked, non-sticky pasta :)
Add around 3 teaspoons of oil in a pan. Fry the onions for a minute. Add the capsicum pieces as well and fry for around 5 more minutes on medium flame. Sprinkle some salt and remove them while they are slightly charred but still crunchy enough.
For the sauce, add the remaining teaspoon of oil and fry the garlic paste. When it starts emitting the garlicky aroma add the tomato pieces and fry till properly done. Then add some salt, milk and the cheese. Cook for about 2 minutes on low flame. If you would like your sauce to be a little thick you can substitute cream in place of milk or add 1 teaspoon of butter fried cornflour to the milk. I liked my sauce runny so I left it as it is. Now add the pasta to the sauce, heat for another 2 min, add the veggies and turn of the flame. Mix well, transfer to a dish and sprinkle oregano on top. And you are ready with your home-made delicious pasta!

P.S. I took a couple of pics this time but thanks to the lappy camera they turned out to be real crappy. I know half the appeal of a good dish comes from the mouth watering pics and my posts totally fail in that area. But let me assure you that the dish deserves a must try!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


This is just a random bumping-the-blog kinda post. Didn't have anything interesting to share at the moment (not that I have stopped cooking). 'Tis good to see Yadu-chan posting a lot of recipes after moving to Bangalore :) Yay, atleast one of us isn't slacking off! Also, I entered our first recipe in a contest by Foodaholics. More yay!
Thats pretty much it! Will be back with something post-able very soon (hopefully!)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The default tomato curry

Everyone knows that there is this default red tomato curry that you get and everyone pretty much knows how to make it, but no one really talks about it!! So I thought, why not? I even made it just now for a quick lunch. After not eating much for breakfast, I decided to whip something up really fast for my late lunch just now. I had two left over chapatis so I decided to make the default tomato curry. I had some wheat bread around so I thought, even if I was hungry after having those chapatis, I can still eat some bread with it.

What you need.

2nos - tomato cut into small pieces
1nos - Onion cut long
5tspn - cooking oil
2tspn - red chilly powder
1/2tspn - Coriander Powder
1/2tspn - cumin seeds
1tspn - mustard seeds
1/2tspn - soy sauce
1tspn - vinegar
2tspn - tomato ketchup
5tspn - Maida flour 
salt to taste

How to make it?

Heat the oil, when its done add the cumin seeds and then the mustard seeds, after the seeds are ready, add the onions and heat them till they are light brown. Add the tomato and mix it well. Add red chilly powder, salt, Coriander powder, soy sauce, vinegar and mix them in well. Add tomato ketchup and mix it well. Now it will be a very thick. Add the Maida mixed in a cup of warm water to the curry and mix. Heat it well and you are done.

You can add and remove a lot of things in this basic tomato curry to make it really awesome too. Have fun cooking :)